About University:
The Bharathiar University was established at Coimbatore by the Government of Tamilnadu in February, 1982 under the provision of the Bharathiar University Act, 1981 (Act 1 of 1982). The Postgraduate Centre of the University of Madras, which was functioning in Coimbatore before 1982 formed the core of the Bharathiar University. In May, 1985 the University received the recognition from University Grants Commission (UGC) New Delhi for the purpose of grants.
The University named after the great national poet Subramania Bharathi is enshrined with the motto “Educate to Elevate”. In the University, every effort is harnessed to realize his dream of making educational institutions as temple of learning. It is the aim of the University to participate in the task of inculcating necessary Knowledge, Skills and Creative Attitudes and values among the youth of the country to contribute more effectively towards establishing an equitable social and economic and secular ideal of our nation.
Campus Visit:
The University is situated at the foothills of Maruthamalai, a mountain that forms the part of Western Ghat, in a sprawling campus of one thousand acres at a distance of 15 KM from the city of Coimbatore on the Maruthamalai Road.
City bus on routes 1, 1B, 1D, 1E, S12, S13, S15, S26, 46, 70, 70A, 70B, 76, 92 stop at the University bus stop. Route 1C buses ply via Coimbatore railway station frequently upto Vadavalli, from where the above buses can be used to reach the University.
University Act & Status:
Table of Contents
Chapter I – Preliminary
Chapter II - The University
Chapter III - The Senate and the Standing Committee on Academic Affairs Powers and Duties
Chapter IV - The Syndicate
Chapter V - The Faculties, The Boards of Studies, The Finance Committee and Other Authorities
Chapter VI - Statutes, Ordinances and Regulations
Chapter VII - Admission and Residence of Students
Chapter VIII - University Funds
Chapter IX - Conditions of Service
Chapter X - Miscellaneous
Table of Contents
Chapter I – Preliminary
Chapter II - The University
Chapter III – Visitation
Chapter IV - The Chancellor
Chapter V - The Pro-Chancellor
Chapter VI - The Vice-Chancellor
Chapter VII - The Registrar, Deputy Registrar, Assistant Registrar
Chapter VIII - Finance
Chapter IX - The Finance Officer
Chapter X - Finance Committee
Chapter XI - The Controller of Examinations
Chapter XII - Authorities of the University
Chapter XIII - The Senate
Chapter XIV - The Syndicate
Chapter XIV - Next pages
Chapter XV - The Planning Board
Chapter XVI - Elections to the authorities of the University
Chapter XVII - Legal Advisor / Standing Counsel
Chapter XVIII - Service Conditions Of The Establishment
Chapter XVIII - Next Pages
Chapter XIX - Convocations For Conferring Degrees
Chapter XX - Academic Robes
Chapter XXI - University Professorship, Readership And Lectltrership University
Chapter XXII - Inter-Collegiate And University Lectures
Chapter XXIII - Legislation
Chapter XXIV - Affiliation And Approval Of Colleges
Chapter XXIV - Next Pages
Chapter XXV - The Standing Committee On Academic Affairs
Chapter XXVI - Examiners
Chapter XXVII - Admission And Residence Of Students
Appendix I - Method Of Recruitment And Qualifications Prescribed For Various Teaching And
Non-Teaching Posts In The University.
Appendix II - Authority Competent To Impose Penalties
University Bulletin Board:
PG Courses : 51
Men Women
Hostels : 4 4
Hostel : 1 1
Inmates : 930 602
MEMBERS : 124 37
Ph.D. : 244 219
M.Phil. : 113 208
PG Programmes : 1079 1138
PROJECT VALUE : Rs. 28.45 crores
UGC SAP DRS Prog. : Rs. 2.37 crores
DST – FIST : Rs. 3.95 crores
Others : Rs. 21.73 crores
CSIR : Rs. 0.40 crores
Library Books : 1.02 Lakhs
Students Amenities
Centre : 17
Total Students : 40541
Study Centres : 196
Participatory Partners : 81
Approved Institutions : 34
Community Colleges : 2
Constituent Colleges : 02
Arts / Science Colleges : 90
Co-Education Colleges : 77
Men’s Colleges : 04
Women’s Colleges : 20
Autonomous Colleges : 17
Government Colleges : 06
Stand Alone Institutions : 11
Aided Colleges : 16
Self-Financing Colleges : 77
Research Institutions : 21
Coimbatore : 58
rode : 21
Nilgiris : 05
Tirupur : 17
TOTAL : 101
UG : 19082 21969
PG : 4569 5591
M.Phil. : 1844
Ph.D. : 440
Resistrar office
Section A :
Affiliations/Qualification Approval/Guide Recognition
All matters pertaining to Affiliation – New Colleges, New Courses, New Departments – Increase in seats, Legal matters. All matters pertaining to all Autonomous colleges, – Recognised Research Institutions and affiliation of new Research Institutions, Research Guides – Guide Recognition. Qualification approval for new Teachers appointed in all affiliated colleges (Government, Aided & Self Financing) - Staff Returns. Miscellaneous.
Section B :
College Student Returns/M.Phil./Ph.D. of Colleges
All matters pertaining to M.Phil/Ph.D admissions/Syllabus & Registrations FIP’s of affiliated colleges. Standing Committee on academic affairs, Guides meeting, Foundation Course A & B, M.Phil/Ph.D Syllabus. Eligibility/Transfer/Recognitions/Readmissions/private study, UG & PG admissions, DCB, Sports Fee, matters related to professional colleges SDE – Exemption, Recognition etc – Bonafied Teacher. Internal Improvement, Students attendance. Name Change,
Section C:
University Departments
Admissions to all courses in the University Departments and related matters & Entrance Examinations – Convocation. All matters pertaining to M.Phil/Ph.D. admissions & Registration of University Departments, URF, Transfer/Course completion Certificate. All matters related to Research Projects, Schemes, workshops, Conferences, Seminars, MOUs, Guest Lecturers in the University Departments. Registration of Graduates. All Endowments, Endowment Lectures, SC/ST Cell, Annual Report, Administrative Reports, Statistics, prizes – medals, All matters pertaining to UGC/TANSCHE.
Section D:
All matters pertaining to purchase of Equipments, and maintenance of Equipments of including UGC Grant & Scheme purchase of all University Departments, NSS and Adult Education purchases. Stores and Stock maintenance, purchase of Stationary, concessional papers, Sale of Books etc. All matters pertaining to Internet, Canteen, Xerox machine, Printing, purchase of books, UGC Grants allotment, Library Books.
Section E:
All Establishment matters of all Teachers, all Administrative Staff, and Technical Staff including promotion and new appointments, Academic Staff Fellowship, and Cultural exchange programmes Appointments of daily wages, Land acquisition employment. All matters pertaining to pension, Audit replies related to establishment, Staff on duty and Legal matters.
Section G :
All matters related to scholarships, Railway concessions, Study Tours, Fee concessions, Fee structure, keeping of application, Stock entry note, permanent Ledger, preparing BC/MBC computer Training, Security. All matters related to NCC/DAEP/NSS/Physical Education, SAP/IRDP/Red Cross/Academic. All Fellowships/CSIR & UGC. Miscellaneous. UGC Grants – Building, Equipment & Library. Citizen Charter, University Brouchure, All academic exchange programme/colloboration. Academic Staff College and Adult Education, UGC & NSS.
Controller of Examination
At the end of each semester, the University conducts regular examinations for UG, PG and M.Phil. programmes. The students who have earned 75 percent of the attendance in each semester are permitted to appear for the University examinations. To qualify for a pass, a student should secure a minimum 50% marks in the examination, in case of PG and M.Phil. Exams and 40% in case of UG programme. Double valuation is followed for all PG programmes and M.Phil. In case, the difference between the marks awarded in the first and the second evaluation exceeds 14 marks, then the paper is referred to a third examiner. The examination wing is fully computerised to maintain confidentiality and ensure quick services.
At present,Dr.K.G.Senthil Vasan is the Controller of Examinations of the Bharathiar University. If there is any clarification related Examinations from the student of the University or general public may contact him.
Contact Address:
Dr.K.G.Senthil Vasan,
Controller of Examinations,
Bharathiar University,
Coimbatore–641 046.
Phone : 0422–2428171
e-mail : coe@b-u.ac.in
Admission Procedures
Admission by Entrance Test: Selection will be based on performance in an entrance test and in the qualifying examination (UG) upto V Semester / II year. The Entrance Test will be conducted in the university campus only. Further details are available in the prospectus & in the website.
Direct Admission:
Spot Admission will be made on submission of application on first come first served basis.
How to apply:
Application forms and prospectus can be had from the Registrar in person or by post from 10.03.2010 on requisition with a cost of Rs.300/- (Rs.150/- in the case of SC/ST Candidates, on production of attested photocopy of community certificate) in the form of a Demand Draft dated no earlier than 08.03.2010 drawn in favour of the Registrar, Bharathiar University payable at Coimbatore and self addressed stamped envelope to the value of Rs.50/-. Please note that cash payment will NOT BE ACCEPTED. The cost of application once paid will not be refunded. Candidates can also apply online (or) download the application form from the website and submit the filled-in application with required fee of Rs.300/- (for others) and Rs.150/- (for SC/ST Candidates). The Application can be had from the Bharathiar University City Centre at C.S.I. Bishop Appasamy College of Arts & Science, 129, Race course, Coimbatore - 18, in person.
Press notification is released around February / March of every year calling for applications for admissions to all Post Graduate Programmes except for MCA and MBA courses. The prescribed application forms are obtainable from the Registrar, Bharathiar University by remitting the application fee through Bank Demand Draft, drawn in favour of "The Registrar, Bharathiar University" payable at Coimbatore. With regard to admission for MBA & MCA press notification is issued during December. The candidates with the minimum qualifications outlined in the application form will have to appear for an entrance examination during February / March. The short-listed candidates who have secured high marks in the entrance test will have to attend personal interviews before a panel of experts. The admissions are made on All India basis, based on the performance of the candidates in the entrance test and personal interview by following reservation norms of Government of TamilNadu.
Administrative Main Building
Every visitor to the University is guided to the reception counter by the Security Staff at the main entrance. The Reception - cum - Enquiry counter at the Administrative Main Buliding is serving the following:
Enquiries relating to courses offered in the University Departments and affiliated Colleges, admissions, fees and general informations.
Sale of applications for all courses offered in the University Departments and for Ph.D. and M.Phil. of the affiliated colleges.
Issue and receipt of applications for Eligibility Certificate.
Issue and receipt of applications for transfer, readmission, name change and re-registration, etc.
Issue of Transcripts.
Examination Section
Enquiry counter at the Controller of Examinations section is rendering the following services
Issue and receipt of applications for various examinations.
Issue of applications for Provisional Certificate, Migration Certificates, Consolidated Mark Statements, Degree Certificates, Duplicate Certificates, Rank Certificates, Re-totalling and Re-valuation.
Supply of information relating to conduct of examinations, announcement of results, etc.
School of Distance Education
Enquiry counter of the School of Distance Education is disseminating the following information
Courses offered.
Admission procedures.
Fee particulars and study centres, etc.
Course Materials.
Health Centre
Our University Health Centre is functioning in the University Health Centre building near the Teachers' Hostel.
Dr. Ramasamy will be available from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. on all working days. The teaching and Non-teaching staff (Regular, Contract, Daily Wages) and regular P. G., M. Phil., and Ph. D. students can have medical consultation at the above said timings. The staff and students shall show their identity card to the Medical Officers and enter their details in a register provided in the Health Centre.
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