Anna University, located in the southern part of the city of Chennai (former Madras), fosters cooperation between the academic and industrial communities besides promoting research activities. The University's main campus extends over a few hectares adjoining the Adyar River on the north and Raj Bhavan on the south.
Educational Streams
The University conducts a slew of courses in several academic disciplines. It has established collaborations with more than 55 foreign Universities/Institutions through MoUs for the purpose of academic and research development. The Centre for International Affairs (CIA) has Overseas Professor Scheme with Professors from the USA, Germany and Australia. The university is known for promoting quality education in the fields of Engineering, Technology and allied Sciences.
Anna University Chennai Centre for Distance Education takes care of distance education programmes and courses.
Apart from other basic facilities the University has as established library. The Library gained autonomy in December 2000. The Library provides many knowledge-based services its users like Reference, Bibliography, MALIBNET service, DELNET, Reprography, CD-ROM Databases, Internet browsing and e-services. The University also promotes students activities like Youth Red Cross, NSS, Computer Society.
On 4th September 1978, Anna University was established as a unitary University. The integration of the four different technical institutions in the city of Madras resulted in the formation of Anna University. In December 2001, the University brought more than 200 Self-financing Engineering Colleges some Government Colleges and few Government-aided Engineering colleges located in various parts of Tamil Nadu State into its fold to become one of the highly renowned affiliated universities of the country.
In the year 2002 University Grants Commission (UGC) rewarded Anna University with the status of 5 star rating. The University is a member of the Association of Indian Universities, the Association of Commonwealth Universities and Partner of UNESCO International Center for Engineering Education (UICEE).
Faculty of Technology
Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Management Sciences
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Faculty of Science and Humanities
Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Faculty of Architecture and Planning
Contact Details:
Anna University
Sardar Patel Road, Guindy
Chennai - 600 025
Tamil Nadu
Phone: +91-44-22351445, 22352161, 22351697, 2235009
About Us Anna University
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Departments University Departments
Library University Library
Distance Education Anna University Distance Education Details